I always dream to have my own personal robot, but tired of waiting, I decided to directly create mine! This desk robot will be able to react to notifications from my agenda, Twitter, and more. Depending on the time of the day and settings, it will react by moving its head around, bouncing LEDS around its body (yes, you can definitely see a K2000 reference here) and buzz sound.

Meet Henri!

detailed drawing Initial drawing made when I was thinking of the project, I tried to keep things as simple as possible for now.

The parts are simple: an LEDs strip (w2812b), one servo (SG90), a buzzer and two googly eyes, all synchronized with an ESP32.

Really simplistic project, in order to learn CAD along the way (with fusion360), it will be fully 3D printed at home. It’s aimed to evolve through time with more features along the way.

For now, I’ve managed to print and code the first beta version and currently building again the 3D model entirely for it to be more beautiful :)

Here are some photographs of the process:

first prototype drawing

new version without diffuser

henri off

henri rainbow

You can also have a brief insight of it on Tiktok or Twitter.